Our financial planning process
Kim studied Financial Life Planning at the Kinder Institute and uses this method in her approach. The Financial Life Planning method is based on the premise that financial advisors should first determine a client’s fundamental goals in life and then prepare a financial strategy to fully support those goals.
Many clients haven’t given in-depth thought to their dreams, and many remain firmly in
the dream realm. We will help you to focus and articulate your goals, ensure that they
are realistic, and then implement a financial plan to achieve them.
We will be your partner in clarifying and achieving your most meaningful, deeply-felt
aspirations. We call it ‘life planning’ because what’s really important isn’t just your money,
it’s your life. To read more about The Kinder Institute, visit www.kinderinstitute.com.

Life Goals
If you had more time, more money,
what would you do?
What do you want to accomplish so you will feel that you’ve had a life?

Financial Goals
We develop a financial strategy
to support your life goals.
Needs Analysis
In order to prepare an appropriate structured plan, the following needs to be established:
Your current financial and personal circumstances (present investments, assets and liabilities, and income potential, viewed together with an understanding of any family and business commitments)
The goals and expectations for your investment portfolio, your current or future income, as well as any capital requirements
Your outlook regarding income returns, capital growth and volatility
Your understanding of portfolio and asset class returns
Our Investment Management Process